Thursday, 7 April 2011

Film Review - Whip It (Blu-Ray)

I admit it - I was never a big fan of Drew Barrymore nor did I dislike her much. She was cute in E.T., but how about Charlie's Angels? She was good in Donnie Darko (and co-produced the film!) but that was a rather small role. So, why would I buy a Blu-Ray called Whip It, a film about Roller Derby (a bunch of women racing round a small track on rollerskates), starring and directed by Drew Barrymore? Mostly because the film has Ellen Page (Juno, Inception) in it! I have to give Ms. Barrymore credit though: she did extremely well with her first feature film a a director: she picked an exotic, but entertaining backdrop (Roller Derbies in Austin, Texas), a great cast led by Ms. Page (who is again great as a rebelling teenager, picking up from her performance in Juno) and including Juliette Lewis, Marcia Gay Harden, Daniel Stern (looking much older since I have last seen him... which was probably in City Slickers) and Zoe Bell (who I think has a great future if she learns to pick her roles a bit more carefully - she has come a long way already from a stunt woman who worked on Tarantino's Kill Bill, Grindhouse and Inglorious Basterds), a good indie-soundtrack and a very good script, written by Shauna Cross, who wrote the novel of the same name.

The Blu-Ray itself comes at a good picture and sound quality but I guess the DVD would have done just as well. There very few extras (Deleted Scenes, which I did not watch - I trust they have been deleted for a reason) and some cast interviews during which I fell asleep (probably due to jet lag, they weren't completely boring...)

7/10 - recommended if you liked films such as Juno or Little Miss Sunshine.

PS If you are looking for plot summaries, go check out IMDB or Wikipedia. I won't provide any plot summaries since I think they tend to provide too many spoilers - that's why I love Sneak Previews so much!!

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