Sunday, 13 November 2011

Film Review: 007 on Blu-Ray

Did you ever watch the first four Bond films on the big screen or were you too young when they hit the cinemas around the world, just as I was? Either way, if you have a decent home theatre setup (I am watching on a FullHD BenQ W6500 DLP projector with a Pioneer SC-LX82 / BDP-LX52 combo) and if you like your early Bond films (I am talking about Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger and Thunderball), then I strongly recommend buying these Blu-Rays. The restoration used the almost legendary Lowry process, now owned by Reliance MediaWorks, who have just finished the Blu-Ray transfer of the Star Wars franchise with excellent picture and sound quality and hence become accomplices in Lucas' misguided efforts to ruin the original trilogy through intrusive editing - just imagine Felix Leiter in Goldfinger being digitally replaced with the Jeffrey Wright Leiter from Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace to make it more "relevant" to younger audiences... Anyway, the restoration resulted in a pristine re-master with an image that is as clear, sharp and colourful as most films that have been released over the last few months - well, actually better than some of those! The sound has been updated as well and sounds better than ever, but the picture quality is the real winner. At least Goldfinger and From Russia With Love (the best Bond movies IMHO) should belong to any good Blu-Ray collection.

And while we are on the subject of quality restorations: check out Zulu on Blu-Ray, it's been restored to an eye-popping quality, with breathtaking colour, excellent contrast and great detail.

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